I mentioned my dream in my initial blog so here it is...where it all began and how He called me back to Him. I can count on my fingers the number of people who know about this, even though it's been over three years. I wished I could share it more, but I still get very emotional and it's hard to get out. I don't believe this is something to be kept in, these are experiences He wants us to testify to and to share with others, so I will try my best to put into words the awesomeness of this dream. This happened on Easter Sunday of 2008. After some snuggling with my husband, I fell asleep for a little nap. I have always had vivid dreams so I don't think I thought anything of it when I began to dream of swimming in a vast body of water. All of a sudden something was coming after me. A huge mass of a monster, without an identifiable shape or form, was chasing with me. This thing was so dark and I knew instinctively it was pure evil. Frantically trying to get away, I became aware of two men swimming beside me. (note--If I were telling you this story, this is where I officially become a blubbering fool) As we continued swimming, I notice one of the men is staying by my side and swimming with me away from the thing as the other man is getting farther and farther behind, presumably to be consumed by the thing. I reach land safely with the man by my side and, turning to him, I ask "Who was that who just basically sacrificed themselves to save me?" With four words I will never forget, he simply said "That was my son". (My fingers are shaking as I relive this) I knew in the deepest part of my soul this was God. This was God who had saved me from the evil thing through the sacrificing of His son, Jesus. I knew it and believe it with a certainty and clarity that still floors me. At that point I woke up with tears streaming down my face, just sobbing. My husband came in, comforting me and trying to figure out what was wrong. The funny thing is, nothing was wrong, everything was so right. I was so full of life and light at that point, I felt I could conquer the world. Through all the wonderfulness of trying to tell a story while being that emotional, I told my husband what happened. He just smiled and said "What took you so long?" He held me until I was somewhat calmed down and I asked him what am I supposed to do with this? Does He want me to become a missionary in some foreign country? Why me? We talked a little bit more and resumed our Easter festivities. Back at work, I knew immediately who I needed to go talk to about this. A coworker and good friend of mine had always been vocal and steadfast about his faith. His faith being a beacon of light to me reminds me of the song by Nichole Nordeman "How the lost get found", but I digress. I went to him and told him about my dream. He listened and though no interpretation was needed, he put it in context for me. He asked if he could share it with his pastor and I told him that was fine. He later presented me with a Bible he and his wife bought for me, had my name on it and everything :) That Bible has now been on mission trips to Costa Rica and Haiti, but more on that later. My husband and I later met with that pastor who wrapped us in God's love and we subsequently found our church home at Grace Lutheran Church. We joined the church and I was baptized in the water where my journey began (figuratively since my dream was about water). As a footnote I will add that we later discovered our daughter was conceived that morning, against 99.9% effectiveness odds, and her due date was Christmas Day. Let me be the first to tell you, I didn't need a bigger billboard than that.
The thing I remember about telling non-family my story is they always wish they would get something like this. But since my dream I have realized, it's not always about billboards. Those are few and far between. Sometimes its a postcard and sometimes its a post-it note, you just have to keep your heart and eyes open. Whether it is the right song at the right time being played, a friend calling you when you need it most just because they were thinking of you, or its hummingbird towels at your wedding shower, He is talking to you in a special way and you know what he is saying, just listen and feel His peace.
I am sure I have gone well over the proper blog length but I want to challenge you to listen and see what He is telling you today...
Amazing! Thank you for sharing. I am constantly amazed at how God works uniquely in each of our lives!
ReplyDeleteI love you sis, just simply stated...